My name is Fernando Scheps, I am an Argentine living in Switzerland for some years now. I am a tech enthusiast in all its forms and I have a passion for helping. I have worked in multiple global organizations and had my own consulting company back in Buenos Aires several years ago.

I love developing ideas and projects that help people in different levels, from solving a specific problem to working more efficiently. In the end what drives me is improving people day to day lives

The objective of this website is to have a place for me to share with the world different points of views about different matters, not only technological but also about life itself. I had a lot of internal debate if I should mix these topics or not, but for the sake of simplicity I will use The Online Corner for me to express online and hopefully contribute something back to the Internet. Until now, I have been writing about tech on my other blogs: and (in Spanish).

Over time, I will invite some friends and guests to also write about different topics on this space, and you will be able to see who the author of each post is, so hopefully, over time, you will not only see me writing.

Just let me ask you that if you like an article, please share it in your social networks so more people get to know this website.

Got any ideas or tips? Please use the above contact menu to reach to me. Thank you!